domingo, 22 de abril de 2012


My favourite book is Appelsinpiken (La joven de las naranjas). George, a fifteen-year-old boy, receive a letter from his dead father. In this letter, George’s dad tells him about his love story with his mother.
But it’s not only a love story. This book talks about life reflections.
I really like these words of the book: lots of people think that the life in this great fairly tale is so wonderful that the mere thought of it ending can bring tears to their eyes.
I identify with these words because I frequently think about the fast passage of time.
The letter contains an important question about life too. It you want to know more abouy this… read Appelsinpiken!

My glogster.

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012

About my routines

My routine of the week mainly consists of studying, doing my homework, using my computer and watching TV.

On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday I get out of school at three o’clock (an hour later than the other days). This is because I’m in the category of investigation. This year, investigation consists of spending one more hour studying our modality subjects.
The subjects of Mondays are Language, Philosophy, Maths, TIC, Economics, History and Geography.
In Language lessons, we correct our homework. In Philosophy classes, we listen to our teacher and take note. In Maths classes, we take note about the explanation and we do activities.
TIC lessons are different. We go to a class with computers. We do digital displays, learn to use computer programs, do works with the computers…
In Economics and Geography classes we learn different units and sometimes we do some practical exercises. History classes are theory lessons.
On Tuesdays we have got the same subjects, but on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays we have English classes. In these lessons we study different units and we correct a part of our homework (we send the other part of our homework to our teacher by the Internet).

After school, I go on foot to my house. Obviously, I’m more tired on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. These days I have lunch in the dining room while my parents and my sister are watching the news. On Wednesdays and Fridays, as I come earlier, I have lunch with them in the kitchen. On Fridays I have a different feeling… This is my favorite day of the week!
In the evening I study and doing my homework. When I have an exam, I study in my room, but when I do my homework (exercises) I do it in the dining room while my mum is in the other sofa watching TV. This way, although I do my homework, I am not bored.
At night, I have dinner and watch TV with my family. I think this is the best moment of the day!
Usually, I don’t go out during the week. I do it at weekends, but not too much, because these days I have to study too!

Listen it!

Fernando Alonso

3. Complete the sentences:

a) The national kart title was won by Fernando Alonso in 1994.
b) If Alonso had not abandoned his studies, he couldn’t have been a professional driver.
c) In 2007, McLaren received Fernando Alonso as a new driver.
d) The second season  was important to Alonso because he won the Hungarian Grand Prix.

5. Which are the main hits in Fernando Alonso’s career as car racing driver?

According to the text, before the beginning of Alonso’s career, he won the Spanish cadet national kart title when he was thirteen.
During his career as a kart driver, since 1999, he has won a lot of titles.
He won the Hungarian Grand Prix in 2003, and, in the same year, he was sixth in the world classifications.
Furthermore, he won the World Championship twice; in 2005 and in 2006.

6. Some people think that car racing is a boring sport. What do you think? Do you like car racing?

I think that car racing is a very exciting sport for professional kart drivers and for the fans of this sport, but I don’t like Formula One.
I know that it is a hard and dangerous sport, but I don’t enjoy watching a lot of cars that go around the circuit all the time!
In conclusion, I don’t think that racing car is a boring sport, simply, I don’t like it.

About Martenitsa

4. Complete the sentences using information from the text.

a) In Bulgarian folklore the name Baba Marta means ‘grandmother’ and ‘March’.
b) People believe that wearing the colours of Martenitsa, spring will come earlier.
c) Martenitsi are always given as presents to friends and family.
d) The colours of Martenitsa are interpreted as symbols of purity and spring.

5. Is Martenitsa a religious tradition?

Martenitsa is a religious tradition because it is a pagan custom, and the word “pagan” means a lot of beliefs.
Martenitsa welcomes spring, but it also is a period of time when people ask Baba Marta for mercy, that is one of the principal Christian qualities, and other immaterial things. Furthermore, it’s similar to Christmas, because people buy martenitsi as presents for their relatives, and received martenitsi from them.

6. Do you know any old pagan Spanish tradition?

Lent is a Christian tradition. It’s a period of time (forty days) before Holy Week.
It begins on Ash Wednesday and finishes on Holy Thursday.
The first day of Lent, the priest draws an ash cross on the forehead of the people that go to the church.
It symbolizes the end of mistakes of last year.

Memorable journey

Two years ago, I went on a trip with my class and other classes of my school.

We first went to London in a plane. That night, Tania and I went out of our room, (Tania is the person who I shared my room with) and we forgot our keys inside! We had to ask for two new keys in the hotel’s reception.

The next day, we and the other students visited a lot of places (British Museum, Science Museum, Piccadilly Circus…)

The next place we visited was Paris. The first morning, Tania and I got up late. We activated the alarm of the clock. The alarm sounded, but the time of the clock was London time… (an hour earlier). We forgot to change the time!
We visited Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame, Disneyland, and other places.

The last day, we were in Barcelona. There, I bought a couple of shoes that I wanted and I didn’t find in Cartagena.

In the evening we were back.
I missed my family, and I bought presents for everybody!
It was an exciting adventure, but I was glad to get back home!

Dr Atkins' diet

1. What did Dr Atkins’ diet consist of and how was it received by doctors and ordinary people?

According to the text, Dr Atkins said that an appropriate diet must include meat, cheese and eggs, but it mustn’t include some food like bread, rice or fruit. Most doctors didn’t agree with this diet, because it elevates cholesterol levels and could affect negatively to people health.
However, Dr Atkins’s books were sold to more than 25 million people.

2. Do you think people should watch their weight?

In my opinion, people should watch their weight, because this is important not only for esthetic, but also for health.
I think we must have an appropriate diet and eat all food (meat, fish, eggs, bread, vegetables, fruits... and we can eat sweets in some occasions too!)
We must eat a bit of all foods and do some exercise.