sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012

Memorable journey

Two years ago, I went on a trip with my class and other classes of my school.

We first went to London in a plane. That night, Tania and I went out of our room, (Tania is the person who I shared my room with) and we forgot our keys inside! We had to ask for two new keys in the hotel’s reception.

The next day, we and the other students visited a lot of places (British Museum, Science Museum, Piccadilly Circus…)

The next place we visited was Paris. The first morning, Tania and I got up late. We activated the alarm of the clock. The alarm sounded, but the time of the clock was London time… (an hour earlier). We forgot to change the time!
We visited Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame, Disneyland, and other places.

The last day, we were in Barcelona. There, I bought a couple of shoes that I wanted and I didn’t find in Cartagena.

In the evening we were back.
I missed my family, and I bought presents for everybody!
It was an exciting adventure, but I was glad to get back home!

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