sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012

Dr Atkins' diet

1. What did Dr Atkins’ diet consist of and how was it received by doctors and ordinary people?

According to the text, Dr Atkins said that an appropriate diet must include meat, cheese and eggs, but it mustn’t include some food like bread, rice or fruit. Most doctors didn’t agree with this diet, because it elevates cholesterol levels and could affect negatively to people health.
However, Dr Atkins’s books were sold to more than 25 million people.

2. Do you think people should watch their weight?

In my opinion, people should watch their weight, because this is important not only for esthetic, but also for health.
I think we must have an appropriate diet and eat all food (meat, fish, eggs, bread, vegetables, fruits... and we can eat sweets in some occasions too!)
We must eat a bit of all foods and do some exercise.

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