domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

The chronicle of CocaCola

5.Was the selling of CocaCola very successful in its first year?
Coca Cola, that was invented in 1886 by the pharmacist John Pemberton, didn’t have a success the first year.
Coca Cola was first sold in Jacob’s Pharmacy. Nine drink servings were sold each day approximately.
In the beginning, the cost to produce it, which was around $70, was bigger than its sales ($ 50).

6.Which is your favorite soft drink and in which occasions do you usually have it?
My favorite soft drink is Orange Fanta.
I drink water, milk and pineapple juice every day, but I also have Fanta and other soft drinks in some occasions like birthdays, Christmas and other celebrations.
In summary, I like Fanta but I hardly ever drink it!

School holidays could be much longer. Discuss.

Most people think that holidays are too long, however, other people agree with holiday duration, and, what’s more, they think holidays could be much longer. Here are some arguments:
Holidays mustn’t be longer because working parents haven’t enough time for their children.
Furthermore, teachers have more free time that other people, and this isn’t fair.
On the other hand, teachers say that they haven’t much longer holidays than other people, because they have to prepare their lessons in July.
In addition, students have to rest enough time. This way, they will be started the new year better. Obviously, students agree with this!
Also, some people think that holiday duration is right, but they could be divided differently.
In my opinion, holidays should be neither longer nor shorter. I agree with their duration, and with their distribution. Christmas holidays could be longer, but I prefer more free time in summer!

The pencil is 150 years old

5. From the information in the text, what are the main differences between graphite and lead? (25-50 words)

As we can see in the text, lead was used in ancient Rome, when people wrote with styluses.
However, graphite was discovered later, in England in 1564.
The main differences between these materials are that graphite is darker and softer than lead.
Furthermore it is more breakable (it needed a holder).

6. Which do you think are the reasons for the popularity of pencils as writing instruments? (25-50 words)

From my point of view, pencils are so popular because they are light and you can take them everywhere. They can be used to writing or drawing, and there are many types of them.
In addition, you can delete what you write, because pencils usually include a rubber.
In conclusion, pencils are very practical materials.

‘There should be financial rewards for students who get good school grades.’ Discuss.

Most people agree that the best students should have financial rewards. This way, students will be motivated.
On the other hand, most people disagree with this topic because they think students can be motivated differently. These people give much importance to teachers.
Here we can see different arguments:

Financial rewards help to motivate all students: not only the best students, but also the rest of them.
Students who have difficulties will make their best to learn. As usual, the best students will continue learning.
These rewards will make that the worst students get better marks, and the best students keep their high marks.

However, most people think that financial rewards are not necessary. Motivation depends on teachers. If they vary their teaching systems and try to help all students, students will put more interest in their schoolwork.
Moreover, rewards develop competition between students, and this harm their learning.

In my opinion, financial rewards are a good way to motivate students. The competition between them won’t harm their learning necessarily. Students will do their best and can get good grades. Anyway, teaching system is very important too.