domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

School holidays could be much longer. Discuss.

Most people think that holidays are too long, however, other people agree with holiday duration, and, what’s more, they think holidays could be much longer. Here are some arguments:
Holidays mustn’t be longer because working parents haven’t enough time for their children.
Furthermore, teachers have more free time that other people, and this isn’t fair.
On the other hand, teachers say that they haven’t much longer holidays than other people, because they have to prepare their lessons in July.
In addition, students have to rest enough time. This way, they will be started the new year better. Obviously, students agree with this!
Also, some people think that holiday duration is right, but they could be divided differently.
In my opinion, holidays should be neither longer nor shorter. I agree with their duration, and with their distribution. Christmas holidays could be longer, but I prefer more free time in summer!

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