domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

‘There should be financial rewards for students who get good school grades.’ Discuss.

Most people agree that the best students should have financial rewards. This way, students will be motivated.
On the other hand, most people disagree with this topic because they think students can be motivated differently. These people give much importance to teachers.
Here we can see different arguments:

Financial rewards help to motivate all students: not only the best students, but also the rest of them.
Students who have difficulties will make their best to learn. As usual, the best students will continue learning.
These rewards will make that the worst students get better marks, and the best students keep their high marks.

However, most people think that financial rewards are not necessary. Motivation depends on teachers. If they vary their teaching systems and try to help all students, students will put more interest in their schoolwork.
Moreover, rewards develop competition between students, and this harm their learning.

In my opinion, financial rewards are a good way to motivate students. The competition between them won’t harm their learning necessarily. Students will do their best and can get good grades. Anyway, teaching system is very important too.

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